Why RAG13?

RAG13 represents the merging of my initials and my favorite number, coupled with the vibrant energy of my preferred color.

At its core, RAG13 serves as my experimental playground, where I bring my artistic visions to life with the intention of transforming them into merchandise.

The drive to create art stems from my deep-rooted need for self-exploration. I constantly seek inspiration from a variety of sources, including fellow visual artists, musicians, the wonders of nature, and the exploration of random subjects. I am motivated by the simple question: "What else can I create? How can I embrace the unknown and allow it to guide me?" This perpetual curiosity fuels my creative process.

RAG13 is a realm of ever-evolving artistry. It refuses to be confined to a singular path, style, or medium. It thrives on growth and change, welcoming new influences and directions. It is an open canvas that invites me to continually expand my artistic horizons.

Join me on this artistic journey as we embark on a delightful quest of discovery. Together, let's explore the boundless realm of creativity under the name RAG13.